The Shocking Truth About ‘Perfect’ Websites: What Most Businesses Get Completely Wrong!
Every month, we receive tons of requests from clients looking for the “perfect” website, and honestly, most of them would be shocked to know what that really entails. It’s kind of like one of those HGTV shows where the homeowners have these huge plans, only to discover that their dream renovation far exceeds their budget. […]
Organic SEO Mastery: 8 Strategies for Driving Natural Visits to Your Website
Simply put, organic traffic, or what is referred to as organic search engine optimization (SEO), is the people who find your website through search engines without clicking on any paid ads. Hooray for free and long-lasting traffic! Getting good at organic traffic, or organic SEO, is important for any website because it boosts visibility, improves […]
HowTo: Install Facebook Messenger On WordPress In 4 Easy To Follow Steps
You’ve got a website and now you want to engage with your customers. Install Facebook Messenger on your WordPress website and take your customer experience to the next level. After a website is built, if left unattended, it becomes little more than an online brochure. This tool instantly makes your website more interactive by giving your […]
How To Add Google Analytics To WordPress for Beginners
Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to put tracking software on your websites and email. The data allows you to run more effective internet sales and marketing campaigns.